I Dreamt About Tigers Chasing Me

And I’m not sure what it means

Suzanne Rochette
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by Laura Nyhuis on Unsplash

I lost sight of myself. After moving countries, my world was upside down for months and only now, I’m finally seeing the end of the tunnel. As a result, my creativity is rising from the dead and so is my subconscious, that decided it was a good time to send tigers in my sleep.

I found dreams fun, especially when I can remember them. I often get to travel places that only exist in my mind or get chased by people who want to murder me, dinosaurs, the police… Somehow, I never got chased by tigers.

Here I was, climbing trees, climbing on top of a building, on the roof of houses at an incredible speed to get away from two very angry tigers, one ending up finding me in a hidden corner of a rooftop.

Oddly enough, today we are entering the Tiger Year in the Chinese calendar… Was it a pure coincidence ? As I was curious, I decided to dig a little bit on the meaning of this dream.

1. The tigers represent power and strength

The good news is that dreaming about being chased by tigers is not an omen for being attacked in reality. Thankfully, there is not too many tigers in Norway, where I live so that was not a surprise. What I didn’t know is that the tiger is a very noble animal and represents power and strength to face any adversity.

As a wild animal, the tiger is both powerful and graceful but also dangerous and ferocious. The duality of the tiger is echoing of the need for a balance in my own personality.

In summary: I need to demonstrate self-control. Who doesn’t?

2. The tigers represent the difficulties I can overcome in life

The questions is: what am I going to do about it?

I can choose to either my inner strength and face the fears, insecurities and any negative energy right now in order to break free from them OR, I can choose to take a step back, recharge to fight them when I’m ready. This is maybe why I chose to hide in my dreams and escape instead of fighting the tigers? But as the tigers were after me and not just chilling there, I think it’s finally time to face my challenges.

In summary: I need to trust my intuition and my capacity to act upon my goals and persevere.

3. Tigers bring hope and optimism, even if they try to kill you

Because I didn’t freeze and actually tried to move forward, it means that I’m open minded and not afraid about my future. Somehow, it seems like the Universe could be covering up for me and responding to my needs. As people are watching me and support could come from anywhere, I should not take anything for granted. It also means that I’m running away from all negative emotions and what is causing harm in my waking life. It’s helping me avoiding pain and other threats on my well-being.

In summary: I have a lot of support to help me, I’m sorting out all negative energy and moving away from harmful situations.

Sounds like against all odds, this predator-prey scenario did in fact bring a good omen for my future.

If you also dreamt about tigers recently, note that there is also a special analysis depending on how you interacted with the tiger. Fascinating to find 40 different scenarios!

Wishing everybody sweet tiger dreams.

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash



Suzanne Rochette
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

French writer living in Scandinavia. Podcaster. Passionate about sport, health and culture. Creator of www.basket31.tv. Clown as a side hustle.