I Have Decided to Teach Myself Math from 0

Can Math help me find my self-worth?

Niiya Asra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

As a child, I rarely attended school, even college. I have history with health issues, and it took a turn for the worst when I was 10. So yeah, I rarely attended classes, I would appear for exams though.

While in 9th grade, I failed my math test twice. These are the only two tests I’ve failed until now. While not being the most hardworking student, I can give myself credit for passing and maintaining average marks without attending any classes or getting tuition.

But that’s not how people around me saw it as.

My grades were going down, my parents were always mad at me. I was humiliated by teachers almost every time I went to the class, even after submitting the medical certificates. Overtime I formed a negative association with studying. I don’t know, I get really anxious whenever I sit to study anything related to my course.

I didn’t have trouble reading other books; it was just the subjects or books from my school or college courses that I found bothersome. Even the thought of studying made me anxious. Anything related to school made me nervous.

While most of my childhood is a blur, and I don’t really remember what happened at school, my body still remembers the feelings. I still…



Niiya Asra
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Sprinkling joy in little things | Sharing smiles, stories, and a bit of magic along the way.