I Have Insomnia, But That’s Not a Problem

Turning Sleepless Nights into Opportunities for Inner Exploration

Emerson Lee
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Recently, I have been experiencing insomnia.

I rarely suffer from sleeplessness because my demanding job usually leaves me exhausted, ensuring I sleep soundly through the night. However, this bout of insomnia doesn’t trouble me. Long ago, I learned to coexist with it peacefully.

The key is not to treat insomnia as a problem, believing that a good night’s sleep is essential for the next day’s energy. Based on my experience, which I have shared with friends, simply lying quietly and feeling your body, even without falling asleep, can still leave you refreshed the next day.

When you find yourself tossing and turning, unable to sleep, stop forcing it. Consider this an invitation to let go of your fixation on sleep and turn inward, exploring the vast inner world. At this moment, your body becomes an uncharted treasure, waiting for your discovery and awakening.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and gently direct your awareness to every corner of your body. Feel the rhythm of each breath, the rise and fall of your chest, the relaxation of your shoulders, and the subtle sensations in your toes. As you focus entirely on these bodily perceptions, boredom and restlessness…



Emerson Lee
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Exploring Chinese tradition, psychology, and personal growth, offering insights and guidance at the intersection of wisdom and culture.