I Wonder — Do the Stars See Us as We Are?

Reflections on the magnificence of things

Jesse Wilson
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Ufo Space Stars Science Spaceship Galaxy
Image by PhotoVision from Pixabay

If distance makes what could be near so far away, then what does time do?
What does changing the velocity at which we think, do to a conundrum of unfiltered thoughts?
Contained and yet somehow free, travelling at warp speed with no sense of direction, or consideration for the enormity of what could be.

What individual meaning do we give to attempts to distil past lifetimes of wondering and pondering? Observing the laws of our world that tell us so little of the Universe itself?

What does it matter because the stars, like us, will continue to effervesce bright in their moment of traversing time?

Only I wonder,
I wonder if the stars ever think of the coordinates to their nearest neighbour?
I wonder if the stars ever get jealous and lonely of another burning bright?
Do they notice? Or are they just as happy and joyous to just be?



Jesse Wilson
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.