If I Fail To Settle

The past doesn’t belong in the present

david rosario
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readAug 2, 2024


Creative sketch piece with butterfly, lightbulbs, clouds, lasers, and a volcano.
Sketch by author

I’m walking down halls and avoiding spills of liquor
Entering bathrooms lit in blue
Dirty stalls and pissed on walls
Surrounded by menaces covered in tattoos

I’m stuck in this hellhole remembering violent scenes
Battling demons and refusing impulsive agreements
Around people who wanted me to make them feel better
I share vices with them but it comes with limits

All I care about is taking a shower
My shirt is wet
I keep bumping into sweaty women on the dance floor
I’m avoiding the thought of spending money on food after I leave

In a room filled with free spirits and colorful strobe lights
I stayed away from alcohol and drugs
I don’t want women to chase me down the wrong path
I was done with seeking attention

The narrow road called my name
I realized that once I left
It was time for me to stop embracing evil



david rosario
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

An aspiring writer who reads books at night to fall asleep.