If You Want To Change Your Story, Change Your Actions First

And if you want to change your actions, change your story first.

Matt Hogan
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


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“If you want to change your story, change your actions first. When we choose to act a certain way, our mind can’t help but rework our narrative to make those actions become coherent. We become what we do.” ~ Seth Godin, via MoveMe Quotes

At what point does a writer become a writer? Or an artist become an artist? Or a musician become a musician? Does identity as a writer/artist/musician happen based on an arbitrary decision or as a result of accumulated action?

In other words, if I identify as a writer—does that make me one? Can an identity magically befall upon a person at their request? Or is identifying as a writer something that happens only after a certain amount has been written?

The interesting answer to this question is that, as far as I can tell, it’s a mixture of both.

You have to identify as being what you want to become and you also have to do the work to confirm that identity. Calling myself a musician without any experience in music wouldn’t be a declaration of identity—it would be a false claim. On the other hand, if I truly saw myself as a musician, then I’m much more likely to act in ways that would later confirm that…



Matt Hogan
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at matthogan.blog.