In the Light of Dead Stars

A Reflection on Love and Impermanence

Emmanuel Wambugu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I didn’t want the full moon to leave
or else my heart would — in this unrelenting dark — grieve.
But it occurs to me now that nothing remains unchanged:
ㅤlove dies,
ㅤ tears dry,
ㅤㅤand even stars die.

And it may be that as we look up at the night sky,
all we see is weary light from light years before,
of stars now dead and gone.
So who are we, mortal men,
to dare imagine a love undying?

Remember this:
nothing remains
ㅤuntouched by time
ㅤ — forever unchanged.
Doesn’t the sun too fall asleep at night?

So maybe this fool-heart of mine
will one day close its little eye
and stop loving.
Maybe it’ll stop crumbling.

But isn’t it equally true
that endings hold beginnings within them?
That this profound darkness in the night sky
hides newborn stars?
Their light racing lifetimes to reach us
and sing to us that there is hope and light



Emmanuel Wambugu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Professional wildlife stalker, obsessive grass fondler, and dedicated pen pusher.