
Rush to what awaits you

Misha Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJun 19, 2022


Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

And when the party’s over; the music stops

Your mind rewinds all that you’ve lost

It’s her smile, her tears that she’d cry for you

Falling like dew drops out of her sleepless eyes

She’s stitching her heart every night with your lies

And every hit that you take, it’s like a bullet to her brain

Her friends keep telling her how you look so pale

How you have lost so much weight

Is it what’s hurting from within

Or is it the drugs that you take

Or the love your ex used to fake

Or the time you couldn’t make

For the woman you mistreated because you weren’t brave

What a shame

I say what a shame

You’re searching for light in hell

When heaven is at your door; yell

Her name; and find your way home

You can’t trust this weather no more

Let her, please, take you home

You’re drowning, she just wants to save you from the cold

Hold on to her, look at those hands so strong

The faith she has in you scares you

Because you know she’d save herself later, but first she’ll save you

Stop being a coward and love her already

She’s God’s favorite child, don’t keep her waiting

He has forgiven all your sins because she has prayed for you

If you mess this up, who’s going to pray for you?

