Introducing the Creative Corner

Creative prompts handpicked for you every Monday & Friday

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Edited by Author in Canva


It’s time to upgrade KTHT once again, taking it to a whole new level — one that is guaranteed to elevate your writing. I know that the writer in you loves prompts, but I also know sometimes you feel pressured by deadlines as far as your submissions are concerned. I get it! That’s why, as of right now, we’re oficially embracing timeless prompts that you can play with anytime. Not just that, but you can also mix and match them as you please!

Forget about the days of the week — it’s time to daydream. It’s time to be flexible and open to the portals of inspiration provided by the KTHT Creative Corner dedicated to all writers across the entire platform! Yes, you’ve read that right! You don’t have to be a writer for this publication in order to publish prompted pieces. All we ask is that you tag me/include this article at the bottom of yours so that others can join us in our creative endeavours. The more of us, the better.

The Creative Corner will be updated every Monday and Friday, with new prompts being released on each of these two days. Expect the unexpected, folks! The topics vary and you’ll be exploring far beyond what you’ve known/gotten used to so far.



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: