Monday Prompt

Is My Glass Half Empty or Half Full? When is Enough Enough?

Taking stock is the heart of appreciation

Marilyn Flower
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMay 4, 2021


Photo by Peter F on Unsplash

Since I have an abundance of things in my life — some might say to a fault — I should be able to take stock and acknowledge them, right.

Usually, when I look around my home, my self-talk goes like this:

Too much stuff!

So get rid of some of it!

Yeah, but what?

And that shuts up the voice till next time.

Diana’s prompt suggests a different approach. To notice what things I dream of gathering into my life, whether I ‘own’ them or not. And then to notice if and/or where I already enjoy those things in my life.

Things don’t have to be material objects. They could be things like dance and theater, literature, and mystical wisdom.

Or they could be things like books, clothes, and art supplies.

So let’s start there.

You would think I have very few books by the way I buy them.

My book purchases spike right up there with the COVID stats. I was going to write gotten out of hand, but these aren’t ebooks. I can hold them!



Marilyn Flower
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?