It Took me 9 Years to Beat Overthinking

I’ll tell you how to in 3 minutes…

Ayrat Murtazin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 11, 2024


Overthinking can be a paralyzing habit, creating problems that don’t exist and magnifying those that do. After spending nine years battling my own thoughts, I’ve distilled the essence of overcoming overthinking into a few key strategies that you can start applying in just three minutes. Here’s how.

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The Problem is Rarely the Problem

The first lesson I learned is that 99% of the harm caused by overthinking is self-inflicted. Our minds can turn minor issues into insurmountable obstacles, while the actual problem — what truly happens and its outcome — accounts for only 1% of the harm. Most of the time, the real issue isn’t the problem itself, but how we think about it. by @nate_dumlao

Avoid Self-Rejection

One of the biggest pitfalls of overthinking is self-rejection. We often dismiss opportunities because we don’t think we deserve them, believe our work isn’t good enough, or assume others won’t respond to us. The key is to push through these doubts:

Don’t think you deserve that opportunity? Apply for it anyway.
Don’t think your article is good enough? Publish it anyway.
Don’t think they’ll reply to your email? Send it anyway.

Never let overthinking lead you to reject yourself before the world even has a chance.

Embrace Silence and Time

Contrary to what many believe, most problems aren’t solved by more thinking. Often, the answers we seek come in moments of silence, over time, and with a clear mind. If you’re struggling to solve a problem, sometimes the best approach is to stop trying so hard. Give yourself space and time to find clarity.

The Power of Now

Overthinking often traps us in an endless loop of regretting the past or fearing the future. But remember: you’re not going to think your way to a better future or a different past. The only time you have control over is now. Focus on what you can do right now, and you’ll be able to shape your future and make peace with your past.

Fact-Check Your Thoughts

Our thoughts can create elaborate scenarios driven by insecurities, fears, and worries. It’s crucial to fact-check your thoughts before accepting them as truth. Ask yourself: Is this thought based on reality? Is there evidence to support it? Often, you’ll find that your mind is exaggerating or fabricating issues that don’t exist.

Acceptance is Peace

Anxiety over the future or past changes nothing. True peace is found in acceptance:

Accept imperfection.

Accept uncertainty.

Accept what you cannot control.

By embracing these truths, you can free yourself from the constant turmoil of overthinking.

Health Starts in Your Mind

You can adopt all the physical health practices in the world — exercise, healthy eating, yoga, hydration, and vitamins — but if you don’t address the negativity in your thoughts, you’ll never achieve true health. Confront and manage your negative thoughts to pave the way for holistic well-being.

Overcoming overthinking is a journey, one that took me nine years to navigate. But with these tips, you can start making significant progress in just three minutes. Remember, the problem is rarely the problem; how you think about it is. Avoid self-rejection, embrace silence and time, live in the now, fact-check your thoughts, find peace in acceptance, and understand that true health starts in your mind. Start applying these principles today and watch as your life transforms.

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