It’s Just Stuff
~ A Poem ~ Your stuff won’t be the last thing on your mind.
I am older now
than I was way back then
and I should know more now
than I knew way back when.
But the older that I get,
the more money that I’ve got
and there's more stuff still to get
to put with the stuff that I’ve bought.
But alas, I have less time
the older I’ve gotten
to admire all of the stuff
I have boughten.
Part of life’s crap shoot is getting old.
Assuming your luck holds, and you do,
there is a bridge that we all must cross,
and eventually, that time comes for you.
It’s both frightening and enlightening
when we cross oer the bridge of reality.
The inevitability and insignificance
we feel confronting our own mortality.
But then after the reality settles in
and you’ve accepted you’re not so tough,
panic sets in as you think of your family
and what they might do with your stuff!
But that’s all well and good,
whatever will be will be.
You’ve had one helluva life
and a tolerant family.
When your time here
nears its fait accompli,
you will have an epiphany,
albeit too late for thee.
It’s not a contest to buy
all the stuff before I die.
I should have known
when enough was enough.
I should have left some stuff
for the next guy.
Because in the end, it’s just stuff!
Ridge © 2021