I’ve Never Been A Late Night Owl – Until My Saturn Return

Early bird, late night owl only for work 🎶

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by Mourya Pranay on Unsplash

It’s 1AM. I haven’t been able to sleep regardless of trying as hard as I could since 10PM.

Why? My brain’s always on fire when I’m on a project. The more creative it is, the more the urge to give it birth. That’s just how it is for me.

As I tried sleeping, rolling from one side of the bed to the other, over and over again. I finally jumped out of it, and told myself, “let’s do this.”

I spent an hour trying to record a 3min song. How come? Well, it has to sound good. The words should come out clear. But as I’ve realised, the body is slow to pick up upon waking up. The voice is a bit sleepy too, and, the reason I’m writing this actually – yesterday’s food has been posing problems to my performance.

For some reason, oily foods mess up with my throat. And since the throat is everything when you’re recording, you start to get an idea about how three minutes can turn into an hour.

Not only this; since I was overly consumed by the project, I wasn’t present while eating. This in turn impacted my digestion because after many hours, I can still feel the food being processed in my stomach. And it’s vegan food!

It brought me back to a realisation I had earlier this year, which I might have written about but can’t remember as of now. Anyway, it was simple:

Everything is part of the same chain. You eat well, you sleep well, you perform well.

Very often, we underestimate the link between our lifestyle and how well we’re able to operate. And here’s the thing; how well we operate is key to getting to where we want to be in life. It’s that simple.

Many of us are young. And for this reason, we don’t necessarily feel the impact our food or sleep has on our wellbeing as an example. As we grow older however, unless we change some habits, their impact start to accumulate and turn into more problematic issues that consume a big part of our time and energy.

For me, being able to perform as close to perfectly as possible in everything I do on a daily basis is my utmost priority. Many times, it has been the reason why I threw certain habits away.

It seems that sometimes we lack the proper guidance as to what we should do or not do for our own sake. I don’t know. Not everybody wants to read books or watch documentaries. Not everybody has access to genuine teachers and guides.

As I’ve often said. I believe in the power of intent, and so, when we sincerely intend to get somewhere in life – we start to understand what held us back in the past, and that’s when our habits and value switch to match those of our destination.

We could say, therefore, that even though we may start clueless about most things in life; it’s never an excuse because as long as we are sincere and determined, learning is always available. We simply have to put our dormant faculties to work. Observe and iterate. Observe and iterate.

The rest happens on its own. No need to think too much.

Anyway, no pressure on my end for this song. I’ll take a break and try again later. I can’t force this body too much. It needs to rest.

If you’d like to stay updated about my works, including this song once it’s out, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter here. I only send you emails when a piece is out. No selling or anything.


