Journeying Inward

Beyond surface level


Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

You look to do a quick touch-up,
but recoil realizing it’s the close-up.
Perspective peaks with sharp focus.
Fear as you face the unfiltered.
Distant version sufficed over time.
Years spent swimming the shallows.
Quick fixes with patching,
here and there to keep going.
Just touching the surface.
Eventually all foundation fades.
Journeying the real takes time,
and courage to travel inwards.
With intentionality set sail,
on course to learn the ropes.
The most sacred source,
to be sought and nurtured.
This journey yours alone.



Cecile Gerwel Proches
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Social scientist, 'geriatric millennial', inspired by nature, poetry