Keep A Sober Eye on Relationships

Give unconditional love by give smart

Anthony E. Hau
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min read12 hours ago


The Most Inspirational Quote from Keep A Sober Eye on Relationships
Picture by author

I love you, my reader.

Seven billion people are in this world.

But do we have an accidental meeting with one person in this universe?

The short answer is no.

Every person you meet means you are destined to meet him. Every meeting with one person is destined to happen. It doesn’t because you go to that street, and you meet him. But rather you want to meet him, and you go to that street.

What Most Happened In a Relationship

Relationships are like reading a book.

You find an alluring title and cover, and you indulge in reading it. Wish best and hope that you will read every chapter until the end. Sometimes works, but most time, you find yourself rather close to the book and rest.

The same goes for the relationships. We are all attracted by the hot or handsome body of his or her. With the aim and hope that we can get married this time. But only find ourselves trapped by his unbearable behaviors most time.

Let’s break up! You shot.

The Meaning of Every Relationship

Don’t think of yourself wasting a lot of time, energy, and money on failed relationships.

People come into your life but it doesn’t mean you can have him. Rather, people often aim to hang around, not to have you.

They are like road signs. They keep guiding you to come close to them and be together at last. But when you pass the sign, you achieve all your duty.

They had some positive influence on your life. You feel sad because you can’t make it clear what’s the positive influence they have had on you. You are sad because you think you are losing too much.

You can understand what the positive influences are after time.

Have Long-Lasting Relationships by Staying Sharp

What kind of relationship is the best?

Long-lasting relationship.

We don’t want to run into a relationship and suddenly find ourselves on the blacklist.

Relationships work best by compounding. The longer the relationship, the sweeter the wine. In the beginning you will never notice the scent, but it shows its meaning after years.

Stay sharp works when you want to have a long-lasting commitment to a friend. And especially in the beginning, when you don’t know enough details about that friend.

Keep a sharp eye. People usually sell themselves every time and every day. Devils are in the details.

Never self-talk you will change them and they will change themselves later.

They will never change.

Be sober.

Watch people with sober eyes. I don’t mean only when you are cheated, you need to keep sober eyes. You need to keep sober eyes consistently.

Don’t buy their success and their physical hot or handsome.

Buy how they treated you.

To Failed Relationship

Don’t feel sorry for a broken relationship with your friend. Also no need to feel depressed.

We join a relationship usually because we want to be helped when we need it. But that usually doesn’t happen. When you are at the bottom of the valley, no one will send you free money because they are kind.

It is okay to have a broken relationship if you have tried your best.

Usually, a better one will come to you. If you put all your time into the lost one, you will never enjoy a new one.

The time to spend together is usually limited.

We pass by someone. Get help or learn something. And we start our new journey to a new place.

You don’t know whether tomorrow you will die. If today we can feel happy when we are together, we are already very lucky.

You don’t need to care too much about how we lost them.

How to Invest in Your Friend Correctly

Note that investing, according to Benjamin Graham, the legendary value investor, consists equally of three elements:

  • You must thoroughly analyze a company and the soundness of its underlying businesses, before you buy its stock.
  • You must deliberately protect yourself against serious losses.
  • You must aspire to “adequate”, not extraordinary, performance.

When keep a sober eye on your friends, especially at the beginning, you make a thorough and unbiased investigation of them.

Don’t invest too much time and money in one friend, and hope they will reciprocate. Your friends will not give you an extraordinary return. Ask for adequate help.

Final Thought

We all love a long-lasting and valuable relationship.

But to make a difference, you need to keep a sober eye.

You need to take extra care about how they act, what you feel, and how they respond.

But the long-lasting one should lie in how they treat you.

You need to keep a sober eye consistently. Since only you keep a sober eye to scratch exactly that itch, you will never feel itchy again.

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Anthony E. Hau
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founders of Wood Fire International & Pound Tech. A perspective of Happier, Richer & Wiser. I only publish work after decent research and thoughtful thinking.