Knowing There Is Light in Everything

Beginning to trust my own perception

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

| Silken dark laws of casualty |

I picked up a book from my local little street library the other week. Titled The Book of Destiny. In the past, I would’ve been in awe at this little synchronistic sign from the universe. Lately, though I have been very blessed with many signs, and synchronicities. Still, I was excited when I picked it up because well… it felt like destiny.

I don’t go to the street library regularly and there are lots of books that frequently cycle through there.

On this day though, I felt intuitively called to visit as though something was waiting there for me. The Book of Destiny (by Barbara Meiklejohn-free and Flavia Kate Peters) is a sort of portable oracle book with common saying and symbols, you can ask it a question or simply at random open it up to a page that presents a certain message and symbol.

Today’s symbol and message aligned perfectly with today’s prompt. I got The Eye, “Don’t turn a blind eye,” and it was all about seeing the truth through the darkness.

This line, in particular, stood out to me; “You have been stumbling through the darkness as though you have not wanted to see the light of truth that has tried to beam its way into your life.”



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Your own truth will set you free. Writer on self awareness, personal growth and spirituality.