Arpad Nagy
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readJun 9, 2021


Chaos Is Fertile Soil For Creativity

Fluid Mind, Steady Heart

Calm And Chaos by theodosius123 on DeviantArt

The June prompts came in quick and my first week of the month was just a wild wind of activity. I couldn’t jump in. So now with week two on tap I’ve made time to begin these investigations again.

Starting with a combination of Monday/Tuesday.

Monday: Chaos is fertile soil for creativity

This is the perfect prompt. Timely and relevant for me. This past weekend I managed to make good on my promise to my daughter to take her camping. She loves camping as much as I do. We are truly kindred spirits out in the wild.

I had decided to make a trip to my hometown about 5 hours away driving. We planned it so that we would arrive at my sister’s home on the date of my niece’s birthday. My daughter and niece are only weeks apart in age. Most every year we manage to attend each child’s special day.

The weather forecast was for a spectacular sunny, warm, and dry excursion. A few days were to be spent at my mom’s, where I could do some much-needed yard work for her, while the girls hung out and played. Then we’d head out to a remote and difficult to access, lake for a weekend camp out.

Everything went well except for the weather which decided to turn windy and cool for the…



Arpad Nagy
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe