Laughter Comes To The Rescue
A Saving Grace
Was it really fifty-five years since my last days in university
Final exams underway
Signs of pressure and tension visible imprinted on the faces of students
Giving many a zombie-like appearance
When I last held court in the library auditorium
My friends gathered round to hear the musings and absurdities
Of the resident jester
Laughter bubbling slowly to the surface
At first more of curious amusement
Gradually changing as my performance grew in crescendo
Outright guffaws broke out
Passersby looking in to what was transpiring
Who dared disturb the calm of the somber library atmosphere
Once drawn to a close
I felt lighter
Others did as well
Bring on the tests
The lesson of the power of laughter
Stood me in good stead over the years
Like the time when three of our children( a fourth would come later)
Served as my captive audience
My wife working evenings at that time
The assignment handed out to me
Entertain them…