Learning The Art Of Letting Go — Bask In The Stillness

Daily Reasonings

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Courtesy of the Author

“What can you do when there is nothing to do? Observe, and everything happens by itself; you breathe, the wind blows, the trees shake, your blood circulates, and your nerves tingle. Everything happens by itself.” — Alan Watts

When you force something, it goes against the nature of the thing itself. As Shakespeare once said, “There is a tide in the affairs of men,” you must find congruence with that stream, for it will lead you to what your heart seeks.

This nonchalant attitude does not give you the license to adopt a laissez-faire approach to life. On the contrary, it grants you the realization to appreciate your mere resonance in the grander scheme of things.

Only then can you begin to experience this great mystery we call life with good cheer and sheer curiosity as that of a child. Your heart earnestly beams of exuberance each moment.

I have come to understand that if your heart yearns to know something, the answer inevitably pours down in your midst when your intentions are aligned with your heart. It is indeed a heavenly experience. You begin to live life bearing no judgments, regrets, or regrets.

Thank you all for reading, and thanks to the celestial KTHT and how it inspires us to self-express our authentic persona and connect with others.



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer