Learning to Love Again

Letting go of beliefs to see fresh and new each and every day.

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 17, 2024


Pic by Author — Singapore out my bedroom Window — June 26th, 2024

Quiet the Heart, Settle the Mind, Sit Gently, Listen…

…the entire world will begin to speak.

This is pic above is Singapore out my bedroom window.
Sitting still on my bed. Quiet. Listening to Life.

I did this for many nights.
Many Moments.
Seeking to find Presence.

Quietly slipping beyond time.
Quietly easing past my emotion.
Quietly losing myself in the flow of life, of love.

This is my work right now. This is what I’m learning…


I’m practicing to tune into the subtleties of life.

Learning to feel more, think less.
Learning to see more, believe less.

I’ve been full of beliefs for so long.
I’ve been in thinking in the noise for so long.

I’m afraid I’ve not really seen you.
I’m afraid I’ve not really seen life.

I’m finding that as soon as you “believe” something, you cease to see things as they really are.

As soon as you believe, you see everything through that belief!
You don’t see the world as it is, you see it as you are.

You no longer see him or her, you see what you believe about him or her.
You no longer see this or that, you see what you believe about this or that.

You no longer hear merits of a topic, you only hear what you believe about the merits of a topic.

And now the scary part…

You no longer see your friends, your family, or your kids fresh and new everyday. You only see the beliefs you carry about them into each day.


Love see’s everything new always.

You cannot love what you cannot see fresh.
You cannot love what you are not constantly discovering new.

Love is a sensitivity to every portion of reality within you and without. Love is a fresh sensitivity to everything and everyone at the exclusion of nothing and no one.

This is daunting, nearly impossible.
And so I am trying to get out of my own way.


We’ve been taught a version of love that is not love at all.

We exclude so much, and we use “belief” as a weapon to do it.

We accept our beliefs as truth, but “your truth” is really a choice about something you do not know for sure.

Then with confidence in our beliefs, we lose ourselves in noise and busyness, and we miss what Life is trying to bring us.

We are so certain about what we don’t know and we let that certainty drive us, own us, and exclude so much. We miss the opportunity to love, to feel, to live more simply, to be content in happiness and underlying joy.

We are in a cycle of seeing only what we want, reinforcing our own beliefs, narrowing our world, at the exclusion of so much life.


And so night after night I sit on this bed,
I take in this incredible Singaporean city,
and I work to let go of more and more.

And Life loves me.

I feel the change happening, there is still so far to go.

But Life is loving and I am opening to receive.
And I’m getting practice daily to see beyond belief,
to learn to love again, like a child, open and accepting.

Fresh and New Everyday.

Quiet the heart, settle the mind, sit gently, listen.
The Entire World will open up.
Love will begin flowing.
Through you.
Around you.
In you.

Let go and LET’S GO!
- Jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.