Lessons For a Lifetime

Experience life and learn the lessons

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

To be very honest life lessons was not my kind of stuff until I

realised it that I have to learn some lessons from my life & keep it instilled within myself,

The first and the foremost lesson I learnt by going on a quest within myself was when I fell for someone who was engrossed with his own baggage and our relationship was not all the happy melody but out of expectations and then I realised how I was driven so much by expectations to have him in my life even after his neglecting behaviour many times.

Though it was all in my teenage I was immature to understand but the sooner I realised the wiser I became.

Recently after having spent 5 years of mismatched emotions, I learnt that how immature I was in keeping expectations and doing things keeping expectations from someone and it was then I was able to disconnect my emotions and body and focussed on what really mattered to me and it was the best time ever.

“ So the life lesson I learnt was don’t expect just do whatever your intuition says whatever your heart beats on and believe in the universe it listens and gives you the right thing at the right time.”

Coming to the next life lesson

this is something which many won’t agree but I think it’s a no harm kind of advice so I think I would also follow it when needed, so yeah it’s about lies “I know lying isn’t a good thing but I am not here giving labels to something but I believe if a lie can save someone’s trust and if a lie can make someone happy” why not see here it’s not the thing about hiding the major truths which in no way should be hidden but the little little things which build up in a relationship which can be sorted by some lies if it’s with a good intention of not hurting someone’s feeling and when really the option left in the situation to handle is a lie don’t think much and don’t put labels just ask yourself whether whatever I am saying is for someone’s good what impact is it going to have in their life and in no way it is of harm to anyone and go ahead whatever your heart says do that.

This thing I have learnt or thought again by being in a relationship where I always chose to be truthful but then I realised it would have been easier to handle if I would have not kept on explaining the whole thing but just handled it the other way around like I said above.

Lastly the life lesson which I learnt about life is believing in yourself and being truthful to the person who you are to the people who are literally with you and believe me you know who they are,they are definitely not the people which we run around chase but the ones who come without any expectation , help without making us realise it,love without labels , choose to be with us without a reason.

Love yourself, trust yourself, have a purpose and do have a space between your emotions and yourself.

Love, peace and calming vibes💕

