Let Your Heart Speak

Do you hear your hearts voice? Do you know the sound of its voice among the mass of chaos in your mind?

Joy Brown
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readApr 16, 2022


Made by Joy D. Fanning in Canva

Do you hear your hearts voice? Do you know the sound of its voice among the mass of chaos in your mind?

I seem to go in phases, some where I’m in tune, totally listening and waiting for the next message, and other times where the fear and worries overwhelming me and I can’t seem to dig my way out of them.

I’ve started a practice where I journal and then automatically write with my spirit guides. I put these messages on my Patreon page, but I felt called to share this one here with all of you.

Divine souls, we come to you today with this message: Let your hearts be brave. Follow your heart, let it lead you. Your mind is good for math, but clouds your way forward. When you let your heart lead, your steps never falter.

Explore your inner heart, get to know it like you would a friend. Your heart is your compass, always pointing you in the right direction.

How to listen? Calm the mind. Observe the energy that lies behind or past your thoughts. Yes, it it is subtle, not loud. This is for a reason. In the world you are in, many thoughts cloud your mind and you were not taught from a young age to go within.

Make this a daily practice, checking in before a decision, try doing what you hear it say and observe the change in your life.

This week I’ve entered a phase where I’m listening to my heart more. I was at the end of my rope, out of money, not sure what step to take next. I heard this quiet calm voice inside of me tell me to reach out to an old friend and ask for help.

I didn’t want to. I’m not one who likes asking for help. I’m independent. I can do it on my own…right?

I followed the instructions I got, sent the message, and tried not to think about it. Easier said than done for sure.

I was in the middle of a worry storm when I laid on my bed and decided to just listen to my heart some more. Not two minutes into doing this I got a message and my friend said they would be happy to help me out.

The idea of leading a local meditation group for expats in my area came to me this week as well. I wasn’t sure what to do about it, but the little voice inside told me to reach out online and see if any other expats had a yoga studio where I could host a meditation group. I made the post…it got no replies for two days, then today I woke up and there it was, a message from another expat who said they were opening up a yoga studio and wanted to talk. We’re going for coffee next week.

I’m using these situations as an example, as they have blown me away and have shown me the power with simply taking the time to quiet my mind and listen to the little voice within.

I had spent the past few months wondering why I wasn’t manifesting, thinking it had to be blocks or I was doing something really wrong. Well, I was doing something wrong, I was looking outside of myself for the answer, dissecting my past and traumas hoping all the healing I was doing would “solve” my issue. I’m not saying healing is wrong, of course it’s not, but it’s not always the answer.

I saw a post the other day that really called me out. It said something like, “Stop doing inner work!” She said often spiritual entrepreneurs feel like something inside of them is wrong, so they must search for something that needs healing so everything will “be okay.”

We can still be in need of healing and be aligned with our purpose. We can still hear our hearts speak even if we are not some spiritual guru. So if you’re reading this and your reaction is, “oh that’s great good things happened to you Joy, but I still have a ways to go before I can listen to my heart or learn how.”

You’re wrong.

You have everything you need to begin this practice now! Today. This moment. Just stop reading this for a bit, let yourself get calm, and then ask your heart a question, and listen. That’s really all it takes. Just let your heart speak.

