Letting Go — A Poem

The Subtle Art of Letting Go

Rakshita Upadhyay
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 21, 2021


A picture clicked by me, The Author

Life is all about letting go⁠
And letting go isn’t easy⁠
It’s the game of life itself…⁠
You have to let go of a million things…⁠
Before you finally let go of thyself…⁠

Letting go is the essence,⁠
It’s the subtle art of harnessing the bitterness⁠
And cultivating a life⁠
Where ‘something’ is missing⁠…

Letting go is kinda cute,⁠
Like the kid who has to let go of his candy that fell on the ground…⁠
Like the grandma who has to let go of her children⁠
Only to wait for them in the summers⁠
Like the nails, you cut⁠
Like the clothes you give to your siblings⁠
Like the body that lets go of your soul⁠
While they both are together on your deathbed…⁠

Letting go is agonizing⁠
But it is perfectly fine⁠
Because like you,⁠
Letting go is not forever⁠
Learn to let go of yourself⁠
Like an iguana sheds off its skin⁠
Let go of the old person you were,⁠
and welcome a new being…⁠
And you will help you⁠
Revive your stealthy secrets…⁠

Letting go ⁠
Is like vomiting⁠
You feel nauseous when you get the feeling⁠
You feel you can control it, it won’t happen⁠
But closing your mouth, or listening to a song won’t help⁠
And there comes the gust⁠
You feel light⁠
You’re floating in comfort…⁠

And finally,⁠
Letting go is GIVING…⁠
Perhaps you’re sacrificing⁠
But at each step,⁠
When you let go- you’re making someone happy…⁠

Even when your heart is pounding the last ounces of blood⁠
And people around you are sad⁠
At first, you will get pinched with a feeling of ‘wanting more’⁠
You will dive in regret of not doing things fine… ⁠
But the feeling of LETTING GO of your body in the end⁠
Will perhaps make you SMILE…⁠

