Life Doesn’t Have To Be Competitive

Insights in connection

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

The other morning I had the honour of receiving an Ayurveda Session with Keri Mangis.

It was so lovely to meet another person I’ve been following on medium and so exciting to connect with her. I learned so much about Ayurveda from Keri and gained some beautiful insights as well as learning about some small healing changes I can make in my life too.

As she was talking me through my main body type, or dosha, she pointed out it’s interesting that I don’t seem competitive seeing as I have a lot of fiery Pitta as one of my prominent energies.

She’s right too, I’m not competitive, though I guess I never thought this was unusual until our conversation.

“I don’t see the purpose in it,” I explained.

Then she said “You should write about this.” (So here I am, thanks, Keri :))

Upon further reflection I realized the more immature version of me probably was competitive when it came to comparing myself to other people and trying to be better and do better than others. Though as I’ve matured, my life experiences have taught me competition is something that no longer feels right for me.

For some people maybe it helps drive them to work on themselves or be better, but competitiveness…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Your own truth will set you free. Writer on self awareness, personal growth and spirituality.