Life is Loving in all Situations

Are you willing and open to receive it?

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min read21 hours ago


pic by Author — Shadow & Light Card — Magical Drink — Friends

July 10th, 2024
Sayuri Healing Food 1:50pm


Today I am sitting at Sayuri, one of those portal places I’ve mentioned before. The full name is Sayuri Healing Food, but food is just one thing offered here that heals.

It’s 1:54pm Central Indonesian Time, I’ve already lived a full day it seems. Time here has so much less significance than anywhere else I’ve been. Time in Bali bends. There is no escaping it and the closer you are to one of these portal places, the more bending seems to happen.

I’ve just ordered my goto. The lovely balinese woman who walked with me as I entered knows me, and knows my drink. The incredible thing about this Strawberry daiquiri is its ingredients. No alcohol of course, but its not the absence of things that makes it magical, it’s the magic of things that makes it wonderful.


The Shadow & Light cards have been brought to my table. Like I said, she knows me. Just four days ago I pulled cards for two of my best friends. It was an incredible moment of Life communicating. I pulled “Self-Empowerment” for one dear friend, and “Indecision” for the other. They both said they were right on target.

Since that time one of those friends decided to head a new direction and leave us behind. He told me to “not contact him again”. I presume the “indecision” that had been in play was resolved. Its a terrible loss, and I have been in deep pain since the moment he decided to walk away from years of relational support.

But I run the to the final two cards I pulled that day.

“Feeling” was my card.
It actually encouraged the feeling of pain (which I had already been in from an earlier loss). It said this..

“When I turn down the volume on my ability to feel the depths of pain, I am not able to experience the heights of joy, love, and contentment that I long for…. the bliss of aliveness also lives within my anger and sadness…

Do not distract from intense feelings, you may miss an opportunity for healing”.

And yes, if you’re reading this (you know who you are), you have been saying that last part to me for quite some time!

The final card was JOY.
I can barely believe it now. It said this…

“Happiness arises from within when we dance with the things that challenge us and vibrate in resonance with others….”


I have real friends that have since reached out and relationships have deepened. There is care, empathy, laughter, understanding. I am so thankful each of them.

Just today three different magical people have bent time with me as we danced with challenges and resonated in the beauty of Life. One of them was unexpected and meant so very much.

I am convinced Life is always trying to love us in all situations.

If we are willing and open to receive it, and let go of our own expectations of what that love should look and feel like, then we will find and feel that love and it will be exactly what we need.

Life is loving and I am open to receive.
I wonder what will happen next.

Let go and Let’s GO,
- jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.