Life’s Choice

And chase
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


Alesia Kozik on

Mornings coolness matched in moons blue, only amplifies my slowness to decide.

Life past or present day, for each has concern and responsibility.

Castles keep and kingdoms threat, outweigh the dilution of current day play.

Orchestrated absence is a requirement in current time, as all seem to know my business.

While highly visible in running a kingdom, I still am afforded privacy.

Odd to visit the differences in realtime and realization.

To know, while the form of the dragon may change, the menace is equal both sides of time.

To See, the morph of church and belief, gives new perspective to the frailty of humanity.

To fear, plunge of dagger to the heart, in word or physical, traverses time is of disappointment.

We progress yet step back, in so many areas of importance.

Only lust of gold seems to remain a constant.

We are children lost in world for adult.

I marvel at my opportunity and sentence, to know both times, owning neither.

In hope one should make a difference, in one soul of any span known to each.

My God, knows both humor and patience, in bringing knowledge to me.

Immortal and without life, an interesting existence to guide, while feeling human emotion.

How else would one seek truth, if not through the breath of those you hope to know.

Without beginning or end, only knowing always, I rise to the days challenge.

Only which day, and which life is of choice this moment.


Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.