Life’s Great…After A Heartbreak

Sharma Hina
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJun 2, 2021

A poem on heartbreak and coming out stronger

Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay

You came, you promised,
You loved, you cared
You called, you talked,
Holding hands, in the woods, we walked.

We talked for hours and hours
Bathing in the love showers
And then your pretention stops,
Belittling me with your bitter vox

Your comments were like arrows in the heart
With an aim, right in the center of the dart

As you said ,” Look at your eyes, look at yourself for a while;
Check your dress, you have no style
Look at your skin, oh it’s so dark! ,
and my phone bills now get charged”

I was in tears ,depressed completely
Staying alone from friends and family
Now how do I get the friends I left for you
What about the books that were hoarded for you

Staying aloof was not my nature
But without you I felt like a failure
You had no fear you had no guilt
“We can still be friends” was your hint

I was deeply down, totally wretched
Blaming myself, for what all I had fetched
I had no answers and he was already gone
The pain was hard but life was long

Swimming in the pain was no choice ,
I got up and took a drink with some ice
Picked up life again which is full of fun
Now am a new person, as if I had won.

Want to thank you today for this new life ,
For all the comments and the strife
As they were what I had to improve on,
And made me better and smarter full on

Confessing that I still cherish the days together…
Still make me smile when the memories gather
You made me understand the feeling of love,
You made me understand the meaning of love

This is a big shout out to all the women out there

Things will happen, hearts will break
Count your blessings and give damn to the fake
Your wounds will be your friends
Will give you the power which the world commends

Compliment, affirm and embrace yourself in the mirror
For the designer piece that God has created, without an error

So Enjoy the Sunshine, Enjoy the Break!!! For Life is Love, Love is Life

