Light in the Darkness

Night of Perseid Meteor Shower

Sari Fujimaru
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readAug 14, 2024


Photo by Min An on Pexels (modified by the author)

The saying, “Night is the darkest before the dawn,” seems true today.

Hearing tonight was the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, I tiptoed outside around 9:30 p.m., trying not to wake my partner, who had already fallen asleep. The half-moon shining brightly in the night sky made it challenging to spot meteors.

I went to bed thinking I would wake up early and try again. Being a bit restless, like a kid on the eve of a field trip, I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and stepped out again. The moon had already set or was under the cloud, but its light still illuminated the sky, brighter than starlight.

My area is the third International Dark Sky Community in Texas. I’m fortunate to enjoy the night sky as it is, free from light pollution. Astronomical phenomena such as meteor showers and lunar eclipses attract many people to our area.

I thought about heading back to bed but decided to stay in the yard to wait for the darker sky. I wore long sleeves to protect myself from mosquitos and lay on the ground. As the afterglow of the moonlight faded, the stars began to twinkle brightly. The neigh of the neighbor’s donkey echoed.

With the sound of insects and a gentle breeze embracing me, I see even the night sky, recognized as exceptionally dark, is not without light. After the golden moonlight is gone, silver starlight illuminates.

It is just like life — there is always light in the darkness.

I stay lying on the ground for a long time, not trying to spot meteors but just enjoying stars and constellations.

A shooting star!

Like magic, it flew across the sky for a moment.

And then another.

After a while, another.

Yes, just like life. When I stop looking for what I want to see, it arrives unexpectedly and kisses my heart. I’m grateful for such magic and wait for the dawn.



Sari Fujimaru
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Mindfulness teacher, board-certified life coach, co-owner of a private retreat facility in Texas, USA. Learn more at