
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


A Poem

Photo by Jack Bulmer on Unsplash

The chimes ring out with a

gentle sound, a reminder

of what is here and

What Is


the challenge, to accept

the What Is,

vanquishes more brave souls

than any battle of old

isn’t it the way of things

that we refuse to

alter course

unless we are faced with

the insufferable

blade edge? and

even so, pain may not be

enough to open

our hearts!

if I could be like the wind

and move and breathe

with no judgement of

what is, I believe

I would be free

perhaps I continue

to suppose, if I

try just a bit harder, if I

arrange my words just so,

then you will consider,

and change your


and then I will be



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Physician, poet, mountain mama. Spiritual seeker, women’s health warrior, co-founder of nonprofit improving maternal health access in Tanzania. Writing heals.