Little Salmon Boy

Past experiences leave an emotional imprint

Peter Wright Storytelling
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readOct 21, 2021


Catalina took her cane and got up from her rocking chair towards walking to the small central fountain made of Talavera, placed in the middle of the Andalusian patio of her house.

Most of the grandchildren were gone. The smell of donuts she prepared in the afternoon, could hardly be perceived, unlike the smell of his plants.

“My children have the house as a complete mess. I wish they were going to play in the street because they’ve all my flowerpots broken,” thought Catalina. After that, she picked up the ball with which her grandchildren played and said:

“Who was a child!”

Next to the fountain, the reflection of one kid in the yellow puddles took her attention. Guadalajara is a city with the smell of wet earth. The rains are constant throughout the year, and that is why the streets and patios are full of puddles painted yellow because of all the falling leaves of Jacaranda trees.

She carefully approached the boy and, hugging him from behind, asked him.

“ Wow, my little Salmon-boy in love, who are you thinking of?” Catalina said, frowning as she smiled.

“Granny, why do you call me Salmon?” the kid replied.

Catalina explained to the kid that salmons are brave fish. No matter how strong the river flow is, they always swim against it. When they reach the waterfall, they try to fly to climb it, the salmons cannot fly, but they manage to live by trying it.

Past experiences leave an emotional imprint, and we are the sum of all the past experiences we faced in our life — bad or good — they all let marks inside our souls. There is a special one in mine with salmon Shape.

We became the imprint we left in our beloved.



Peter Wright Storytelling
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Latin writer who loves to write about love in terms of mandrakes, helicopters, and rugs. Peter Wright Storytelling is my project in English and Spanish.