Live in the ‘Now’

Enjoy the ride — Prompt: The fabric of creation

Dazzling Shene
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readSep 23, 2021


Always mean what you say and do what you mean

Be kind, be strong yet be so very gentle

the heart is a thing not to mingle

You think you’ve your life chalked out

some lines you draw; some lines you screech

on a black board, with white chalk

you subscribe to life of pi ; 22/7; a circle of family and friends

and raise your power to a three — Me, myself and I

O but what is life if not filled with infinite possibilities

a step back you take, a step forward you must make

life is a rhythmic dance step, baby

if you’re too busy counting the steps; you’ll lose all the fun; you’ll not catch the rhythm in the beat

sometimes you’ve to clap for your own self

sometimes you’ve to pick your own pieces and recycle your trash

don’t throw it all out, you see; some one’s garbage is another one’s treasure trove; this is life’s art baby

with every breath you take , you put your life at stake

some poison you inhale, some poison you exhale

this is how respiration works, baby

sometimes you look for colorful rainbows in grey

sometimes you paint a picture in Dorian grey

it’s all in the mind, how you envision the world baby

The fabric of creation is your energy; the intangible in the tangible

light the world with your sheen

have you seen the red show time curtain?

as the curtain lifts up; the spirits of the fans also lift up and the play begins

the world is a stage, all actors in place, animated faces, two masks — one side shown, the other hidden, one to entertain, one to cry

which side to slap, no one knows; each one of us one has so many facades, multi dimensional in the the propelling world

which side you rely on the most, become your reality

the mind works in mysterious ways

we’re so good at multi-tasking too; always looking busy or pretending atleast

so get up now and shake it off; block the noise

flake off the toxicity; set your mind free; life is not a Masquerade ball

don’t hide behind masks, show your self; shine in your true beauty

shrug off the pain, the tethers of your soul, engaging you in insane routines

you must break them; life is now; in your very being, within your reach

your soul lives in moments, in the now, a time traveler, you may not yet become baby

so breathe out, calm down and carry on, for life is a train abound to a universal passage baby

hop on to life’s carriage; it travels fast; miss it and you might question your sanity

slow down and take a breather; sometimes in the rain, the smell of autumn lingers too baby

the pebbles of the past; leave them be; like ashes flown in the air; remnants of your old self; flown with breeze, travels freely; build a future in solid gold!

for all that was mess and complications; leave it; do the Marie Kondo cleansing of the soul; find peace in simplicity baby!

life is now; in this very moment; live for You; You’re enough; may peace be with You, God bless You; I’m off to a new start

may You too start your journey with a new beginning, for life is short but the ride is long if you’re lonely; so take along a few family and friends and enjoy the ride too baby!

© Dazzling Shene 2021

Thank you for reading my poetry :) Happy healing :) Thank You, Diana C. for publishing my poetry in the beautiful ‘KTHT’ :)

This poem is in response to Diana’s Creative Corner — Edition no 11 prompt — ‘The fabric of Creation’

Check out my other prompt response from the Creative Corner Edition no 11; The fields of Eternal probabilities



Dazzling Shene
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry