Lonesome Traveler


Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Kyryl Levenets on Unsplash

The howling winds have bore great pains, of many lands drenched in strains. Of people’s homes, & being ingrained in a cycle of havoc, chaos enflamed.

There are those who leave too soon, who walk their paths, alone in gloom. Why do they choose a life so cruel, they ask themselves, while they endlessly roam?

The wind is sacred, it hears all, it will take everything you say, and will never stop. It will never ask you why, or how, or what; but embrace everything you cannot grasp.

For it will bring a cooling touch, those tears that fled through your eyes & heart. To soothe that mind for it has not lost, the chance to regain, for the joy you’ve fought.

So look for hope. In the darkness you remain, never give up on yourself. Even if the world says nay, because you will find that someone will come

Wandering wondering, is it all for naught, for you might be surprised. That you’re not lost, we’re all in this together, you just have to keep reaching out.

Take thy hand, set yourself free, it’s time, now or never. We’re sinners, it doesn’t matter, virtue cares for all, no matter who you may be.



Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.