Losing Face

How not to lose face.

Ryan Barker
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readSep 17, 2024


Image by author

Losing face
Faceless coward!
No more honour in the world

Before my car goes in
Before the hammer comes down
Before I go under
See me
Don’t forget this face
This face

Make no mistake
You are dealing with a
Human, here

But why should
The trees be spared?
They have faces too
Before the axe goes in
Before the machines go to work
See me
Don’t forget this face
This place

Make no mistake
You are dealing with
Nature, here

It’s written all over your face!
Fault lines
Stories —
Told, and untold

Mirror mirror
On the wall
I can’t look away
I force myself
To stare, gaze

Oh but it’s rude to stare!
There’s a line for that too
A shame line —
The bottom squint wrinkle
Beneath my left eye

The scar
Between my eyes
Opens up sometimes
Like it’s irritated
For wisdom not adhered
For learning lost

But I’ll get another turn
The stories
Are magnanimous
In that way

I’ll get called out
By my adversaries
The lines will deepen
Become more defined
Each time around

You look so well!
Your eyes are clear!
The bounty
The spoils
From a recent journey

This scares a few…
A piercing heaviness
The boon can be quite revealing
In another
So they look away

And I don’t blame them
I still look away

It’s unnerving
To imagine
Licking another’s lips
The constant threat
Of involuntary pursing
An erogenous “oooh”

Are we going to kiss?
Am I going to cry?
Am I going to bust your nose with the top of my head?
There’s a line
A marking
For all of these questions

I’m the creep in the hallway
The facial contortionist
I’m the sullen…
The brazen…
The peeper…

I’m the inner tears of hurt
The outer tears of joy
I’m a crinkle-cut chip
Not yet contrite

This is my vow
To remember you always
This is how
To never lose face

