Love And Self Care Are Entwined In A Bond Of Togetherness Spiritually.

Love is to know and care for yourself and others always

Dr. Preeti Singh
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readJun 13, 2021


Photo by Ibiza Ibiza Ibiza on Unsplash

Love and self-care

I was taking a walk in a natural park. There were many plants and trees over there. The true meaning of love and care could be easily felt over there.

The bougainvilleas were entwined with the other trees. They needed the help of someone to stand straight. There was love between the trees and the plants and they helped each other.

At the same time I noticed the bougainvilles, I realized that there was a perfect example of self care. In turn it loved the trees and the trees gave it support.I realized that love and self-care are entwined with each other. There is a bond between them.This was a spiritual signal from the universe.

Looking at nature I thought of many things. The value of self-care is so important to care for others.

If the Bougainville did not care for itself it would not have climbed onto someone for help. It knew it did not have a balance. It cared for itself. A good example is that it uses self-care by even climbing on a trellis and other things whatever is around its reach.



Dr. Preeti Singh
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.