Make A List

(but do it on paper)

Ava W. Burton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readApr 29, 2021


Photo by Phil Riggins on Unsplash

Life is digital now
There is always something beeping
Reminding you of what (and sometimes who) you forgot.

This much tracking and measuring was making me less.
Less present,
Less adequate.

So I went back to tangible — pen and paper.
My life in misshaped ink boxes,
My appointments listed in hurried excitement.

There is power in setting aside a time window in ink.
There is intention in planning your goals for the week in ink.
There is self-love in making note of your emotions in ink.

Since I went back to anchoring my life of paper
My reality has been upgraded,
My heart refreshed.

Thank you @Diana C. for creating the 30 Day Poetry Challenge! Today’s prompt — Grounding desires in reality — really spoke to me, as I have been accomplishing a lot more since deciding to go “slower”.



Ava W. Burton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer. (Amateur) Photographer. Mindful walking enthusiast.