Making Your Mark On The Literary World

Confidence and Chutzpah

Ted Czukor
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by King Lip on Unsplash

If you could write without a break, then you’d be like AI.
But AI doesn’t have a soul. It can neither live nor die.
If you had a Soul and ever wrote, you’d be like God or Fate
Who authors all the stories that the world will e’er create.

If you could write without a stop — no break for food or pee -
Imagine all the advertising you could get for free!
The toner carts, the paper reams from sponsors big and small
Who’d want to jump on your bandwagon. Now there’s none at all.

There’s only one thing for it; you have to up your game.
Show them you’re the best in town, the latest Auntie Mame –
Head and shoulders o’er the rest, the Influencer’s Choice
Secretariat of writers. The loudest, clearest voice!

Go on; what is stopping you? Waiting for permission?
Those at the top don’t need to ask. They know they’re on a mission.
The Movers and the Shakers make the rules for lesser guys.
So make the rules you want to. Don’t fall for all their lies!



Ted Czukor
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Born 1947. Actor, Yogi, Writer, Scholar, Metaphysician, Film & Tape Editor, Archer, Cook, Old Hippie, Handyman, Spiritual Teacher, Philosopher, Former Caregiver