Mastering the Art of Winning Without Fighting

Brenda H.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 10, 2023


Dealing with Difficult Coworkers

Photo by on Unsplash

Sun Tzu once said, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

These words hold true in battles and our everyday struggles, such as dealing with challenging coworkers.

In my office, I had a coworker named Bobbie who made it clear she didn’t want to engage with me unless absolutely necessary. This intrigued me, as Bobbie wasn’t typically a reserved person. She could chat cheerfully with friends and relatives who dropped by our office for extended periods. Inspired by her tenacity, I decided to turn this situation around.

Every day, I spoke to Bobbie with a cheerful tone, genuinely asking her how she was doing. Though she begrudgingly responded, her demeanor seemed like I had forced her to drink vinegar. There were times when I attempted to play by her rules, remaining silent, but I always caved and ended up asking, “How are you doing, Bobbie?” during our first break.

Puzzled by her behavior, I started reflecting on what I might have done to deserve such treatment. It dawned on me that my mistake was unintentional. I had accepted a position previously held by a man she admired, someone who would flatter her. My more direct approach seemed less flattering to her, leading to her refusal to…



Brenda H.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A not-yet-60-year-old Texas transplant is making retirement plans for anywhere else but here. Educated by School of Hard Knocks. Today is Once in a Lifetime.