Meeting Lilyth, September Zoom Gatherings & Oracle Messages

New Beginnings & Connections

Infiniti 🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I am everywhere, connected to all that lives and dies, yet no one knows me. ~Lilyth

Yesterday, August 29, 2020 when I went into meditation and was contacted and channeled Lilyth. For what I knew of Lilyth, I knew wasn’t true — but I didn’t have any clue of what she really is.

It was the first time she came to me. The first time we “shared space”.

I wrote briefly about it in this article, with intentions to write more about it in the future, and I was guided to send out an invitation for people to gather for an impromptu meditation event for the same day, just with a couple of hours notice not only for myself, but for anyone else as well.

It was odd, as I was doing the work for getting the info out through emailing my contacts and subscribers, posting on Medium & Instagram, I knew that this particular gathering would not actually come to fruition.

I asked multiple times if I had the date correct.

Today at 3:30PM is only a few hours away, this isn’t for tomorrow?

No. Today.

That was the response from Lilyth and GAIA and all of the rest of my Guides.

Of course, no one signed up and we didn’t have a gathering, and it turned out that that was the plan. Well, at least not at that time and not in our wake state.

This morning I got the news, last night many came together and gathered in Astral to work including myself, GAIA and Lilyth and to set the energy and intention for the weeks to come.

It all made sense. My invite was about planting the seed about Lilyth, not about actually coming together in person, at least not that day.

Later in the day I was guided to pull an oracle card, and I recorded the reading:

I was recently guided to a new Oracle deck, The Hidden World Oracle and I have yet to experience even half of the cards/messages within.

No, I haven’t gone through and looked at every card. I don’t do that for most of my decks actually, unless I am explicitly told to do so, I don’t. I like surprises, since it’s hard to surprise me, so I create them where I can.

Not seeing every card ahead of time, having a surprise is fun. So, seeing the 33. THE GATHERING card come up on Saturday was a special treat. I had no idea that this card was even in the deck, THE GATHERING…Imagine that.

There’s been such a theme in my world to facilitate gatherings over this last month after facilitating The Lions Gate Stargate Event, Unity Meditations.

Even in my ads, stories and articles I have called it a Gathering. Not a meeting, but a GATHERING. I always felt it like a gathering of Souls, connecting to higher dimensions of light, coming together to make magic happen by connecting together — even through time and space.

This is how I see us — SOULS GATHERED, not people. ENERGY of us united in time for a common cause — whatever that is at the time.

The Hidden Worlds Oracle, Photo By Infiniti
Photos By Infiniti

Today before getting into my story about Lilyth, which I was guided to do it via my podcast and not actually write it out — at least not yet I explain the upcoming Gathering dates and pull another card, The Seer, as pictured below. Then I get into what it was like for me to meet and Channel Lilyth and be guided by her over these last couple of days.

The Seer actually turns out (shocker) to be a perfect companion card to The Gathering and to the messages that Lilyth has been coming in with.

The Seer is all about guidance, having connections to those who have connections. The Seer comes in to tell us that she is with us, much the same way that Lilyth has too.

They both want to guide us into a new beginning — with new experiences and our Old Soul friends and family that we have yet to know in this lifetime.

The Hidden Worlds Oracle, Photo By Infiniti
Photos By Infiniti

As always, you are encouraged to listen to the podcast for the complete reading and story about Lilyth, and I hope and that you resonate with who Lilyth is, what she is to and for GAIA, what she is to us all and embrace her and her wisdom, love and guidance, help her to heal the false narrative of her story, and it will help us to heal the false narrative of our own.


Photo By Infiniti

September Gatherings

As I explain in the podcast, I attempted over the last few weeks to create a space for people to gather, to work with the energies that are incoming and have a safe place to share and learn and grow together.

However, given the energies of August, and so much coming in to collapse timelines and get us into a new frame of mind, better in balance and able to connect in September.

After meeting with Lilyth, doing more and deeper clearing and receiving new and vital information for the upcoming month, I’m happy to report that I have a list of events for the month of September ready in advance.

I know that we’ll have a smoother path this month to be able to GATHER, even if we’re a small group — it counts. It’s important to come together and do this work.

Dates & Info For September Gatherings

Saturday, 9.5.2020
Time: 12 PM — 3PM Pacific
Symbol: Mirror, Twins, Soulmates
Major Arcana: The Empress
Minor Arcana: Three of Cups
Moon Cycle:
Day 18
Moon: 88%
Chakra Focus: 3rd Eye
Themes of Empowerment: Naturally activating DMT, Seeking Comfort, Self Care, Divine Help With Soulmate Relationships, No More Holding Back
Archangel(s): Azreal, Ariel, Chamuel
Themes For Meditation:
Balancing of the inner and outer. Community, partnerships, reflections, healing, help & justice.

Friday, 9.11.2020
Time: 10 AM — 1PM Pacific
Symbol: Bear, Shiva, Raw Masculine Energy
Major Arcana: The Tower
Minor Arcana: Prince of Wands
Moon Cycle:
Day 24
Moon: 35%
Chakra Focus: Throat
Themes of Discussion & Empowerment: Gentleness, Self Care, Patience, Nurturing, Clairsentience; feeling guidance through your body. Signs, Symbols.
Archangel(s): Sandelphon, Raguel, Jophiel
Themes For Meditation:
Destruction of the old, creation of the new. Creative energy, The Divine Masculine, awakening and transformation of sexual energy. Using water to heal.

Thursday, 9.17.2020
Time: 3:00PM — 6:00PM Pacific
Symbol: Abundance, Horn of Plenty, Crystals
Major Arcana: Wheel of Fortune
Minor Arcana: 2 of Wands

Moon Cycle: Day 1
Moon: 0%
Chakra Focus: Heart
Themes of Discussion & Empowerment: Remembering your power & Divine Position, Manifestation Blessings & Magic, Peace & Love
Archangel(s): Michael, Raziel, Chamuel
Themes For Meditation:
Your Spirit Guides, Generosity, giving, being in service, connecting to The Abundance Matrix, working with food and digestion.

Sunday, 9.20.2020
Time: 4PM-7PM Pacific
Symbol: Unicorn, Wings
Major Arcana: The Emperor
Minor Arcana: 2 of Swords
Moon Cycle:
Day 5
Moon: 16%
Chakra Focus: Crown
Themes of Discussion & Empowerment: Love From Above —from your transitioned family members, ancestors and guides, Divine Timing, Hidden Blessings, Clairvoyance, Spiritual Sight & Awakening,
Archangel(s):Azreal, Raziel, Jeremiel
Themes For Meditation:
Healthy body, Evolution, Changes. Planning for the future and priorities.

Sunday, 9.27.2020
Time: 11AM — 2PM Pacific
Symbol: Kundalini, Cosmic Energy, Mother-Father God, enlightenment
Major Arcana: The Moon
Minor Arcana: 7 of Cups & 5 of Cups
Moon Cycle:
Day 11
Chakra Focus: Crown
Themes of Discussion & Empowerment:
Receiving Love & Blessings, Gifts from our Guides, Changing Careers, Volunteering, Divine Inspiration, Learning New Ideas & concepts, Teaching Others.
Archangel(s): Sandelphon, Zadkiel, Chamuel
Themes For Meditation:
Merkaba activations and expansion of spiritual structures, DNA Crystalline Activations, releasing of old programs, evolution, spiritual connections.


The Gatherings are on a DONATION BASIS. COUPONS have been activated for tickets so the final charge is your choice, between $2-$22. See my website for COUPON CODES and full event details and to enroll today!

I truly hope that you are inspired to join us on all or any of these days.

To enroll in these Gatherings, please follow this link.

Don’t forget to share this info on your social media and with your friends and family.


Beginning October 6, 2020 I’m facilitating a 4 Week Workshop for Spiritual Communication & Connections. $111 if you register before 9.15.2020. See my website for details and to enroll today!

❤︎ Thanks for reading.

Infiniti is a Top Writer on Medium, a Lightworker, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Quantum Distance Healer, Psychic Advisor, Channel, Medium, Pet Healer & Psychic, Soul Guide, Spiritual Liaison & Ascension Coach. Once living constant pain, now she eliminates pain in others! Discover: Infiniti’s Links

Be guided today, and always Live In Love.

Visit the new spiritual publication:
THE DREAMING 963 : A New Place For Old Souls



Infiniti 🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.