Meeting Venus

A piece on yearning for community, connection, and creative flow.


Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash

Stuck …
Fascia cries to you
Glue works when you don’t want it to

Unsung song
Of damned river
Pains at first
I was called
To let go, with’er

But my vasospastic hands
Had other plans
Couldn’t percolate
Stayed up late
Missed the sunrise

Connective tissue
Has adhesions
Clustered networks
Call the Foreign Legions

Disconnected fragments
Molecular jenga
Breaking point —
But the liquid
Just isn’t getting through

Cell membrane
Porous, yet sealed
Gated community
Vas Hermeticum

We just want to park Her bus
On your patch of land
Make magic potions
In a womb-like cauldron

