Mindful Reflections For Soulful Connection

WellSpring’s Weekly Word of Wisdom — Love

Patricia Wright
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Affirmation written and image designed by the author in Canva.

Mindful Reflections for Soulful Connection is a weekly word message designed to help you with your soul work and aid you in mental and emotional trauma healing and recovery using self-exploration and thought-provoking prompts.

Take the following message as a sign, omen, or nudge to assist you on your way to awakening. *

Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. — Jalal ad-Din Rumi

This week’s word: LOVE

What does it mean for you to come from a place of love?
Do you know where love resides within you?

Over-analysis, excessive philosophizing and relentless exploration of spiritual theories can be an easy trap to fall into on our paths to soul growth.

Frequently, in favour of intellectual biases and structured learning approaches, our link to our hearts is sometimes overlooked.

Although we may know the ins and outs of hundreds of mystical topics, our knowledge is meaningless without connecting to our hearts. As a result, it’s not uncommon for those of us seeking soul growth to become lost on our spiritual quest, imprisoned by boredom or an inner numbness.

Our lack of heart connection is the cause of our defunct void of loving thoughts and emotions.

Some of the ways we can bring love to the forefront do not include the obvious.

Ideas for Reflection

• What meaning do the words “I love you” have for you?
• How do you know you have the capacity to love?
• When you love, what are the mental and emotional sensations that arise?
• Is your love non-existent, widespread, or only for that you deem worthy?

By committing to achieving a new level of soul growth, you choose to radiate love.

Make it a point to reconnect with your heart this week.
Speak from your heart, live from your heart, and choose to radiate love!

We hope this message is helpful to you in your journey!💚

What is Soul Work?

Soul Work is a holistic therapeutic approach to understanding the mental, emotional, and spiritual human experience by embracing wholeness within your heart, mind, and soul.

If you could use further insight and support on your mental & emotional healing and recovery journey, check out my Soul Therapy and Inspiration lists for more words of encouragement.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as and shall not be understood or construed as professional, medical or health advice. The views conveyed are part of the many life lessons we discovered on our transformational mental and emotional healing and recovery journey. Therefore, we expressly recommend that you seek advice from a professional to address your particular situation.

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About The Author



Patricia Wright
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I support those healing and recovering from mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma as a Mental Health Peer Mentor, Author/Writer, & Poet.