Moon Cycles 101

Learn the best times to bring things into your life, and let go of what no longer serves you

William Vincent Carleton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by Sanni Sahil on Unsplash

We’ve all Seen The Moonlit Sky…

It’s a New Moon right now at the moment of publishing this.

This shall change.

And that’s something you can come to count on with the moon. Fluctuation. Waves of oscillation. Your body is affected by it. So are your emotional centers. And your subtle body.

Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

Humans and planet Earth Contain the Same Percentage of Water

Perhaps you’ve watched the tide come in and out in a given day. Thanks to the Moon. The Moon controls the tides all over the planet.

And so when the tides are swaying like mad on a given day, and sailors get drowned, it’s because they did not pay attention to The Moon the way they should have.

And here is the key: To better predict the oscillations of life, pay attention to the moon cycles.

If you Ignore the Moon, Forces of Nature may Appear to Work Against You

Not true. There are no victims in this world.

Here’s how the Moon works:

When the moon is New, it’s expanding. Do the opposite, and try to restrict yourself during a time when you’re supposed to receive, and you’re going against the energetic tides.

Full Moon is the maximum effect of the New Moon. The entire duration of days up until the Full Moon is the ideal time to bring things into your life. It lasts a fortnight.

The Take: From the moment of the New Moon up until the Full Moon, is the ideal time to bring things into your life.

The Full Moon helps you Let Go of the Past

Working with the Moon requires honesty. Human beings are seasonal. We fluctuate.

Especially those born on Monday. With all that moon energy. You can learn all about it here.

Be honest with yourself, and remind yourself, right now, that you are here to be happy.

This is a temporary stay here on earth. Quite short, in fact.

All of this is fine because the Full Moon helps to let go of just about any fear or worry you may have had in the past. All of that is gone now thanks to the power of the tides. That’s right. What stone or bottle has not gone smooth from the steady pummel of the tide?

Those same rocks in the beginning were completely jagged, weren’t they? You could step on them and they would sting your feet.

Just look at them now.

Photo by Pete Godfrey on Unsplash

The Take: The Full Moon up until the New Moon is the ideal time to remove that which no longer serves your highest good from your life.

It is a foolish game to stand against the tides

Go with the flow.

I witnessed the power of the tides in Puerto Escondido. Men and women dying. Able surfers. Everyone goes to Mexico thinking the surf is going to be chill. The undertow moves in so many different directions and literally sweeps your legs so you fall and go under, and then it drags you out.

The ocean tides shift based on moon cycles, not the people that swim in it.

The wisest know this, and they thrive in the ocean

I saw this in Puerto. During the onset of Covid-19, when the restrictions closed the beaches, I saw fishermen thriving.

Photo by Derek Baumgartner on Unsplash

They were the only ones allowed on the beach, because they were the only ones who the authorities knew wouldn’t die from the currents, or anything else. As fishing was their livelihood.

Covid-19 to the fishermen of Oaxaca, did not exist. And they caught so many fish. I watched from afar. Their families would always have food, and salt, thanks to the treasures of the sea.

Life becomes easy when you move with the tides

In review:

New Moon to Full: Bring new things into your life. Be it love, a new job, asking for a raise, or starting a new project.

Full Moon to New: Let go of that which no longer serves you. Be it barriers, blocks, negative thoughts, anything that is not aligned with truth — which is: You are divine. You are love in your purest essence.

Follow the moon cycles using Sky Guide

I can’t tell you how many times my children and I would go up to the roof on a night with clear skies and just stay there looking at the moon, and the neighboring constellations:

Have fun!


Think Well. Feel Well. Live Well.

