Photo by Rok Romih:

Moonlit Surrender: Ode to Artemis

I talk little of my spiritual practice, fear of being rejected, no more, a path to healing

2 min readDec 30, 2023


Artemis, sole deity I acknowledge in this realm,
Would she condemn me for my affliction,
The yearning for submission to those who surround,
The dread of dominance, akin to hers.

The Moon, harbinger of ecstasy, wolves’ howls serenading my sanctuary,
My altar, where I dwell too briefly

Would my blood,
The siren call of self-harm,
Render me worthy in her divine gaze,
Or am I a stain upon her celestial grace?

Blood Moons, celestial reminders of her own bleeding,
The wilderness her calling, my sanctuary a nested haven.

Beneath the shadow of a golden brother, I too reside,
My love for him eclipsing familial bonds,
I too, under past maternal persuasion, would have inflict harm on her dissenters,
I too bear a father whose lust knows no bounds.

My ties to her, boundless and intimate,
Does she, too, bear the weight of suffering as I?

In the hearts of women who love women, she stands an icon,
Transcending boundaries, she welcomes transwomen into her groves,
I find solace in her radiant embrace,
Permitted existence with her benevolent blessings.

Offspring of the Moon, my essence flourishes in nocturnal realms,
Abhorrence toward man,
a sentiment I too would wield the blade for the mere act of glimpsing me.

Yet, in her counterpart’s cults,
Dianic witches mislabel transwomen as men,
Despised, for they grasp not the beauty of Artemis,
Vessels of misogyny, counter to the goddess’s creed of acceptance.

This verse, my homage to her, the deity of womanhood,
Champion of untamed wilds and moonlit streams,
I surrender to her will, an offering in the celestial dance.

