Moving On is Hard for Sure

Easing into the process of moving on

Raihana Rahman Nazifa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readNov 6, 2021


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Everyone encounters ups and downs in their life. Everyone tastes failure. Everyone faces a situation at some point in their life, which is filled with agony and misery. People eventually move on. The process is hard and time-consuming. Staying strong is the real challenge here.

It’s okay. Is it?

Whenever you are in a difficult situation, people will be coming to say it is okay. It honestly is, but you don’t want to listen to it now. It really doesn’t make much of a difference to you now.

Even though it is important for you to hear it. You need to make yourself believe that it is okay. It will help if you let it help.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It is okay even if this process takes time. Take your time to heal. Take those days off for breakdowns. Just like John Green said “Pain demands to be felt.” It happens to us all. At the end of the day, you need to convince yourself that it’s okay.

Life is not fair

On one of those days, you would start thinking why it happened to you. You would start thinking why do bad things only happen to you. Life is not fair. Everything won’t go according to you. You have to make peace with that.

Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

You can’t do anything about situations that aren’t in your control. So, stop emphasizing things that aren’t in your power.

Life is full of surprises

Just like you weren’t expecting this tragedy (but it happened), something good will also happen when you’ll not be expecting it. Life is filled with surprising events.

When you’ll look back, you will see all the dots are connecting. Not everything is a lesson in life, but breakdowns are a lesson in life if you make them. Maybe you didn’t learn anything in specific but you sure have learned to be stronger. That always counts. All these will help you grow. Growth is always uncomfortable because you have never been in this situation. You need to outgrow yourself to become wiser.

In your good days, you will realize how far you have come. All the lows that you overcome. All those breakdowns you went through to get you where you are today.

Take your time

I am certainly not telling you to rush into anything. Take all the time you need to pick yourself up for a new beginning. It takes time. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take time to discover yourself.

Have those days filled with crying and takeaway foods. Sometimes you many not even have an appetite. Either way, have those days. It is okay to feel sorry for yourself. It’s okay to have boundaries. It is okay to be unstable and disassociated. You have to go through this phase anyways. It is all temporary, all of it.

Don’t lose hope

The bad days will soon be over. You will have to start hoping again. Hoping to be happy. Hoping for the good things from now onwards.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
Hellen Killer

Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

We might have one life but we get many new beginnings. You have to have hope. If you don’t have hopes and dreams, you have nothing. So we can’t lose our hope. We have to hold onto it.

You might feel hopeless but try to hold on there. It will all be over soon. You will start feeling good again.



Raihana Rahman Nazifa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I endeavor to put together the scrambled words in a convenient story, for you to learn something new.