My Biggest and Sweetest Regret

Some regrets seem big when realised, but over a period of time, they turn out to be the sweetest.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 12, 2024


Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

I do not stay with my mother. I stay with my wife and my daughter, yet we both live in the same city.

I once had an argument with my mother over an issue that I cannot reveal. I really misunderstood her and decided to stop talking to her.

My wife said I was mistaken. My siblings said I was wrong. But I was something else at the time. I felt I was correct and ignored them all.

It was only after 3 months that I realised I was completely wrong when an incident happened to me.

One day, I went to a supermarket to buy some groceries. I was stopped by a woman sitting outside the store. She requested help from me. I took out my wallet to give her some money, but she declined it. Instead, she requested to buy some food for herself.

I asked her what food you need from a grocery shop, and she replied, "Get me two packets of biscuits and a bottle of water." I said OK.

When I returned with her needs, she took them and straight away went to her three children, who were sitting aside. She gave them the biscuits and the water.I noticed she gave it everything to them while she did not keep even a single piece of biscuit with her.

I asked her what about you, and she said, “Let my children eat first.”

I felt sad; I took out my wallet again, handed her some money, and said, “Buy some food for all of you, and make sure to fill your stomach this time.”

And when I walked away from them, I felt my heart getting heavier, and in a flash, tears started rolling out of my eyes. It was because I remembered my mom; she was all over my head. I knew what I had lost and started regretting what I had done to her.

The more I regretted it, the more I felt guilty about myself. After some time with heaviness in my heart, I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and dialled my mom. After two rings, she picked up my call and said, Hello, son, how are you?

I had no words to say other than, Mom, "I am coming to meet you tomorrow." She didn't ask me anything; she just said okay, son, and I cut the call.

Her voice relieved my heart, and a smile spread across my face. I rushed home and informed my wife that I would be meeting my mother tomorrow. She was surprised at first and questioned me about the change in me.

I explained everything to her, and she too was relieved to hear that I had realised my mistake and was going to see my mother.

I couldn't sleep that night because I was so excited and became impatient for the sun to rise. I spent the entire night reminiscing about the time with my mother.

As the sun arose, so did I, leaving my bed and heading straight to the shower to get ready. With my favourite outfits on, I was finally ready to leave. I left home without having my breakfast, as I wanted to have it with my mom.

After an hour's journey, I arrived at the house. With my heart racing, I pressed the doorbell, and when the door was opened, it was her at the door.
I couldn't say anything; I just kept staring at her and saw what I had missed all these days. I could also see in her eyes her eagerness to see me as well.

She asked me to come in. On entering, without a delay, I held her hand, hugged her, and said, "I am sorry, mom. I won't repeat it again."

She said, "It’s ok, son, for I knew you would come back to me some day," and "it’s also ok if you repeat it, but do not delay in coming back to me soon."

It was the biggest regret of my life, and when I think about it now, it has become the sweetest regret of my life as it has made me come close to my mom forever.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I feel blessed to write, for that's a rare quality to find.