My Intuition



This picture shows a person sitting on a rock on a body of water. There are many stones in the water. The stones are dark in colour. The man is looking at the sky and watching the sunset. The picture of the evening and the water is mesmerizing.
Photo by Keegan Houser:

My intuition, the voice of God
helps me, guides me and teaches me
at every moment of my life,
realises me that God is with me
just like a mother for her child

My intuition, the voice of God
saves me from people
having the fragments of guile,
makes me understand their cleverness
and helps me to find their lies

My intuition, the voice of God
helps me understand the unknown,
the hidden mysteries, the hidden truths,
waiting to be disclosed to this world
just like by many in the past

My intuition, the voice of God
helps me realise my purpose,
for which I have been sent here
in the form of a lightworker
to make this world a better place



Ambuj Khanna
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am deeply motivated and driven to raise the consciousness of this world and make this world a better place ❤. You can reach me at