My Kid Was Whiny This Morning, So I Took Her To Starbucks

And all the things I wished for my younger self

Rachel Rupert
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by author.

My kids woke up far earlier than they should have. I didn’t even realize it was so early; I think I rolled over as my husband got out of bed to supervise their mad dash to the pantry. I figured it was 10 minutes before my two-year-old son ran into my room, climbing onto the bed only to request his signature “Cha-Milk” (Read, chocolate milk) I thought, “Why are you asking the sleeping parent, instead of the one sitting on the couch with you?”

According to my groggy and slightly irritated husband, they woke up at 5:30. Which means by the time I was up and sitting with them (at 6:26, to be exact), they were already in need of a nap. Grumpy, whiny, and easily offended by each other’s every move. I was frustrated that my normally peaceful morning was already getting off to a bad start.

I started brushing Avery’s hair and it was knotted. Which meant she was going to put up a fight at every single stroke. She always clenches her shoulders so tight, then starts whining, every bit of resistance from her hair brings a shriek, an “OW!”. Every time I do her hair, I’m reminded of the many times my mom angrily brushed, or more accurately, yanked my hair into two braids each morning. As I was doing her hair, her resisting my every…

