My Kundalini Awakening

A turning point in my life

Ambuj Khanna
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readSep 6, 2022


This is a lotus flower. We can see it is pink in colour. It is present in water but is untouched by the muddy impure water. It represents the life of a person who is present in the material world but away from the material world.
Photo by Maja Erwinsdotter on Unsplash

I was born in a Hindu family in India. Being a highly sensitive person, I faced extreme suffering in school and at home.

I was bullied by students and also beaten by my teachers and my father for not studying. It was because I took no interest in school studies. I used to sit alone in my class, separately and had no friends.

I used to cry in front of Hindu idols(statues worshipped in the Hindu religion). I always used to pray to God to remove my pain and suffering, but everything was useless.

My Spiritual Awakening

At the age of seventeen, I got my spiritual awakening. I stopped believing in God and left my Hindu religious conditioning.

I got thought-provoking questions in my mind about this existence, the blood which flows in our veins and is perfectly pumped by the heart, animals who perform sexual reproduction, instinctively etc.

My Kundalini Awakening

At the age of thirty-one, I was doing Yoga(Pranayama) and one strange thing happened at that time.

When I was doing meditation once and laying on my bed, closing my eyes, I started getting involuntary jerks, especially in my arms and legs.

With this, I was experiencing pressure inside my skull, as if my skull will explode. This was like someone giving me electric shocks.

I was not able to open my eyes, and this process went on for a few more seconds.

When I got up, I was completely exhausted. After that I got insomnia. My sexual desire and appetite for food decreased considerably.

I had mood swings. I got delusional thinking that I am God’s special, the “chosen one” in this universe. I became insane, and my sensitivity to light and sound increased considerably.

On the other hand, the positive effects were my heightened intuition and IQ. Due to increased intuition, I was able to understand the mysteries like energy, frequency and vibration by myself without reading any ancient scripture.

I understood God by myself and became His very strong believer. I understood that He is not a person but infinite formless energy, which can’t be seen but is felt only!

I fell in love with God, thinking He is my lover, and I am His beloved. My ego vanished completely.

And I never thought that I deserved the awakening as I had suffered so much in my past. In fact, I was expressing my gratitude toward God by crying with humility.

This awakening was the turning point of my life. And I feel so blessed that God has chosen me for this awakening.

Understanding My Purpose

After experiencing kundalini awakening, I understood my purpose for being here in this world. I understood that I have been sent by God to remove the darkness of ignorance and spread the light of true knowledge.

I have already started my mission and I express my gratitude toward God for what He wants through me. I always feel that this is not me who is writing, but it is ‘He’ who is making me write!

I always consider myself a glass(medium), through which God’s light(True knowledge) can pass. And if I can do so, I will feel that my birth has been meaningful.



Ambuj Khanna
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am deeply motivated and driven to raise the consciousness of this world and make this world a better place ❤. You can reach me at