My Life My Rules

The motto everyone is using and ruining our lives

Hamza Shafiq
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Sardar Faizan on Unsplash

In a world of endless possibilities,
I stand tall, For I am the master of my fate,
I heed no call. With courage in my heart and fire in my soul,
I forge my path, embracing life’s role.

My life, my rules, a mantra I decree,
No chains to bind me, no shackles to see.
Through highs and lows, I’ll navigate,
In every storm, I’ll find my own gate.

With each sunrise, a canvas anew,
I paint my dreams, in colors true.
No limits set, no boundaries defined,
I’ll break free, leave the past behind.

In the face of doubt and naysayers’ cries,
I’ll soar high, touching the skies.
For in my spirit, lies an unyielding might,
A force that burns like stars in the night.

I’ll learn from failures, embrace the pain,
For growth resides in sunshine and rain.
And when the world tries to dim my light,
I’ll shine brighter, an unstoppable sight.

