My Solitude of 20 Years

A state, chosen by God

Ambuj Khanna
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readSep 17, 2022


This is a picture of a man sitting alone in a cave. He is looking outside the cave towards the sky. The colour of the cave is dark brown. We can also see hills in the background partially covered with clouds. The cave is situated at a considerable height.
Photo by M Venter on Pexels

I am a highly sensitive person. I have been in solitude for more than 20 years. I am still in it.

I love being in solitude. Solitude makes my mind calm and at peace.

Solitude Has Boosted My Creativity in Me

I am very artistic and creative right from my birth. And solitude has boosted my creativity in me.

In my school, I was never attracted to science, mathematics or anything that lacked art. Instead, I took interest in literature, music, acting and drawing. I used to get very much appreciated for my singing and acting.

Solitude has increased my artistic and creative abilities in me.

Even while writing, I get ideas effortlessly. I always feel that it is not me who is writing, but it is the source(God) who is making me write. And I(being a medium) am only used for writing in which words flow on their own!

Solitude Has Made Me Close to God

Solitude has made my connectivity deeper with God. I talk to Him every time through intuition, and I get answers to my questions.

Whatever I have learned after my kundalini awakening, it is only while being in solitude.

Being a social animal, if I had socialised with others frequently, I wouldn’t have acquired the true knowledge which I want to share with this world.

Solitude Is a Protection Against Negativity

Solitude always protects us from negativity. It is a state in which we socialize less with others, and are away from their negative vibrations.

When I used to socialise with others, frequently, I used to get affected by the positive and negative actions and comments of others.

On one hand, I used to feel good about the positive actions and comments of others. On the other hand, I used to feel very bad and broken by the negative actions and comments of others.

It is only while being in solitude, I get strong protection from negativity.

Solitude Happens by Itself

One of the most interesting things is that I have never forced myself into this state of solitude. In fact, I feel it is a state, chosen for me by God, the source of all this creation.

So many great scientists, philosophers, artists, mystics and saints went into solitude. Had they chosen this state by themselves or were they chosen by a hidden force(God)? I feel they were chosen by God.

Normally, people don’t like to be in solitude. Rather, they very much like to socialise with other people, because they get bored in seclusion.

This is the reason that solitude is not for everyone, and it happens by itself!

Solitude Is Not to Stay Away From Society Completely

Although I have been in solitude for so long, still I socialize with others sometimes.

Most of my socialization comes from visiting my grandma. I love my grandma a lot and always visit her place often.

At my grandma’s home, I have the opportunity of meeting my uncles, my aunts and my cousins.

But after having a meeting with my grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins, I always need some alone time for a few days to make myself calm and at peace. And here solitude comes into play.

So, solitude doesn’t mean staying away from society completely. Those who are in solitude can socialize sometimes, be it rarely.

Finally, I will say that being a highly sensitive person, solitude is a gift given to me by God. And I feel so blessed that God has chosen me for solitude.



Ambuj Khanna
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am deeply motivated and driven to raise the consciousness of this world and make this world a better place ❤. You can reach me at