Nature Reconnected Me to Spiritual Energy

How getting lost in the woods awakened my soul

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Dan Russo on Unsplash

“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” — Eden Phillpotts

I used to be one of those people who rolled their eyes at anything remotely “woo-woo.” Spiritual energy? Vibrational frequencies? Cosmic consciousness? Yeah, right. I preferred to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground of cold, hard facts.

But then the universe decided to play a cosmic prank on my skeptical self.

It all started when my inner gremlin convinced me to ditch my meticulously color-coded schedule for a day and go full Ferris Bueller. As I was executing my rebel yell by blasting “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” with the windows down, I took a wrong turn and ended up at the edge of the Gambier Woods Nature Preserve.

Normally, I would have done a U-turn faster than you can say “productivity hack.” But something made me cut the engine and wander down the winding dirt path. Maybe it was the siren song of the chirping birds. Or the irresistible lure of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups I had stashed in my glovebox. Whatever cosmic force was at play, I surrendered to it.

As I ambled beneath the cathedral canopy of ancient oaks, I felt layers of mental clutter sloughing off me like a snake shedding its skin. The petty annoyances, the background buzz of anxiety, the endless to-do lists — they all faded into insignificance beneath the primordial symphony of rustling leaves and creaking branches.

With each step, it was as if my senses were being recalibrated to a higher frequency. Colors became more vibrant, fragrances more intoxicating. The velvety caress of moss beneath my fingertips felt like a loving embrace from Mother Nature herself. In that moment, I realized that my natural state wasn’t one of relentless striving, but of oneness with the elemental rhythms pulsing through every fiber of creation.

I know, I know. This all sounds like the kind of hippie-dippy nonsense that would make my pragmatic self cringe. But I’m not talking about some vague, New Age platitude here. I’m talking about a visceral experience that shook me to my soul.

As I basked in that verdant sanctuary, it was as if the universe had pulled back the veil and allowed me to peer into the raw code underlying reality. Patterns emerged from the seeming chaos — the mathematical precision of a spider’s web, the fractal perfection of a fern’s unfurling fronds, and the inexplicable choreography of thousands of insects performing their cosmic dance.

In that moment, my entire being vibrated with the resounding truth that we are not separate from nature, but intrinsically woven into its vast tapestry. We are life experiencing itself in myriad forms, riding the eternal wave of creation and destruction, growth and decay.

I know what you’re thinking — “Geez, did he join a cult or something?” Nah, fam. I’m still the same sarcastic, Taco Bell-loving goofball you know and tolerate. But that day in the woods awakened something deep within me, like a long-dormant seed finally cracking open to receive the nourishing rays of the sun.

From that day on, I’ve made it a ritual to escape into nature as often as I can. Whether it’s a hike through rolling meadows, a seaside stroll, or even just plopping down in my backyard beneath the gnarled arms of the old oak tree, I’ve found that immersing myself in the natural world is the ultimate elixir for the soul.

It’s not about chanting mantras or doing downward dogs (though hey, you do you). It’s about letting go of the endless mental chatter and reconnecting with the primal essence that courses through every fiber of our being. It’s about surrendering to the grand symphony that has played since the dawn of time and allowing its rhythm to attune our souls to the sacred frequency of life itself.

Now, I know this all might sound a bit out there, especially coming from someone who used to think spiritual energy was just a bunch of hooey. But I’m living proof that even the most hardened skeptics can have their world rocked by the profound magic of nature.

So next time you find yourself stressed, frazzled, or just disconnected from that spark of aliveness within, don’t reach for another productivity hack or self-help book. Just step outside, feel the breeze caress your skin, and allow the whispers of the earth to soothe your restless spirit.

Who knows? You might just stumble upon the cosmic treasure that was within you all along — a boundless wellspring of spiritual energy, patiently awaiting your rediscovery.

After all, as the Ferris Bueller wisely proclaimed, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy